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How Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is Grown and Harvested?

The cultivation and harvesting of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is an exacting and labor-intensive operation, despite the coffee's well-known mild flavor and rich aroma.

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The Blue Mountains of Jamaica are the perfect place to grow Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee because of their high height, temperate climate, and rich volcanic soil. Small farms carefully tend to their coffee plants, which are frequently shaded by other trees and periodically pruned to encourage good growth.

Because the coffee cherries ripen at different times, it may take several harvesting rounds to select the best cherries by hand. Only the best cherries are used thanks to this careful selection process.

The cherry are pulped to remove the outer skin after harvesting, and then the mucilage is removed through fermentation. After giving the beans a thorough wash, they are spread out to dry in the sun, a procedure that may take many weeks. After drying, the beans are sorted by size and quality after being hulled to remove the parchment layer.

Before being put in unique oak barrels for export, some of the beans undergo ageing to intensify their flavor. Strict quality control procedures are followed along the whole process to guarantee that only the best beans are given the Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee designation. Due to its careful preparation, coffee has a rich aroma and a smooth, mild flavor that is recognized across the world.